Here are some highlights from our homepage. Our values dictate the way we work and all the decisions we make. Our group is made up of people who truly care about the work they are doing and we want to share that passion with everyone!

Description of C.A.R.E
Our Values: Our guiding values are summed up in a simple acronym C.A.R.E.
Act with integrity
Description of Food Service Management Support
Food Service Management Support: Working together with a LTC home’s team, we go above and beyond to provide customized services that suit individual food service management styles and residents’ needs, while focusing on enhancing the culinary and hospitality experience for residents.
Description of Nutrition Services
Person-Centred Clinical Nutrition Services:
Delivering effective nutrition services in long term care is our strength and it begins with great mentorship. Not only do we invest tremendously in the continuing education, advocacy, and skills of our Registered Dietitians, but also acknowledge the integral role we play in the training of future dietitians and our participation in the positive transformation of the dietetic profession.