


Empowering through food, people, and creativity

Empowering Through Food, People, and Creativity

At Orange Lily Group, our vision is to create nourished, happy and inspired communities in long-term care. We are committed to improving the quality of life for individuals in long-term care homes by providing innovative, sustainable, and compassionate nutrition services. We believe that by connecting with our clients and residents, acting with integrity, respecting their dignity, and empowering them to make informed decisions, we can make a meaningful impact on their lives.

Our guiding principles are the foundation of the culture at Orange Lily Group. These principles are expressed as the acronym C.A.R.E. which stands for Connect, Act with integrity, Respect, and Empower. By upholding these principles we are able to build lasting relationships with our clients.

Our dedicated team of Registered Dietitians and Food Service Professionals work together to create positive outcomes for the LTC homes we work with. This strong team of nutrition and dining professionals allows OLG to have a high level of productivity, better decision making, and improved creativity, compared to other solutions, ensuring the best possible care and support. 

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Our Services

We provide professional dietetic and food service operations support across Ontario.  


Food Service Support

Working together with a LTC home’s team, we go above and beyond to provide customized services that suit individual food service management styles and residents’ needs, while focusing on enhancing the culinary and hospitality experience for residents.


Clinical Nutrition Services

Delivering person-centred nutrition services in long term care is our strength and it begins with great mentorship. We invest in our Registered Dietitians through: 

  • Education
  • Advocacy
  • Professional guidance
  • Building new skills

We believe in empowering future dietitians. Our participation in the positive transformation of the dietetic profession starts with supporting new and experienced RDs alike.

About Orange Lily Group

Our group was founded by Maria Biasutti, RD in 2020 to continue the important work that was started by J. Oulton and Associates over 40 years ago.

Orange Lily Group is a team of professional consultants. We support the dietary departments of many LTC homes across Ontario, Canada. In addition to food service support, we provide clinical nutrition services to LTC homes.

We have a core support team of Registered Dietitians and other professionals who work to reinforce our larger group of consulting RDs. This team provides strong guidance, assistance, and training to all of our consultants. This is how we are able to maintain a high quality of care in all the LTC homes we provide nutrition services to.

In addition to clinical nutrition experts, our support team is also made up of food service experts. We provide support to LTC dietary departments through training, policy & procedure development, auditing, equipment reviews and procurement, menu development and more.

Our Name

Our name comes from the orange lily flower. Lilies are a symbol of love, devotion and motherhood. The particular lily shown in the above picture was captured by Maria photographing her mother’s garden. At the time, Maria’s mother had recently passed away but her garden remained and it grew orange lilies. In a way, the flowers in the garden became a part of her legacy. To this day, the photo reminds Maria of her mother’s love and devotion. As a company, this symbol will continue to remind us of what truly matters: caring for others.

OLG Values: Connect, Act with integrity, Respect, Empower

Food Services Support


  • Quality Assurance and Compliance Program Development
  • Staff Training, Education and Compliance
  • Staff Training
  • Auditing
  • Enhanced Mealtime Program
  • Equipment Reviews and Procurement
  • Manual and Policies development
  • Menu and Recipe Development

Clinical Nutrition Services


  • On-site Registered Dietitian (RD)
  • Dietitian Vacation and Leave Coverage
  • Clinical Assessment and Policy Development
  • Training, Education and Compliance
  • Menu and Recipe Development
  • Food-first approach

How We Can Help

Orange Lily Group helps Long Term Care homes across Ontario provide quality care to their residents through several key areas of focus.


Quality Assurance and Compliance Program Development

Our quality assurance program will ensure a high standard of practice, performance and operation for our long-term care homes. We accomplish this by being present, observing, and following structured processes that enable us to identify practices needing improvement. Our years of experience allows us to provide you with diverse strategies to support your home’s compliance with regulations.

online learning

Staff Training, Education and Compliance

With our training programs we are prepared to keep dietitians, food service workers, and other LTC home staff up-to-date and informed. We have hundreds of educational resources and are always making new ones. Our staff training, education, and compliance resources can be delivered remotely and in person.

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Our goal aligns with the needs of our clients – it is to support and respect residents’ rights and promote the quality of care being provided to meet or exceed the requirements of the Ontario Long-Term Care Act.

We specialize in food service operations and clinical nutrition auditing to help identify and address gaps and develop solutions to support the quality of life of our LTC residents. As well, we understand that our support in auditing extends to our hard working front-line staff and our collaboration with them ensures our care comes full circle. We ensure that that our team conducts audits professionally, respectfully, and diligently, as we know this is our residents’ home.


Menu and Recipe Development

Orange Lily Group is a leading provider of professional RD and food service support, offering expert guidance and assistance throughout the entire menu planning, development, and implementation process. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Bi-annual, seasonal long term care menus including therapeutic extensions
  • Assistance with menu implementation including the provision of all associated documents including: 
    • Corporate Menu Evaluation and Registered Dietitian review and approval
    • Production sheets
    • Therapeutic spreadsheets
    • Week at a Glance document
    • Order guides
    • Menu recipes
    • Menu costing
    • Snack menu
  • Assistance with site-specific menu customization 
  • Cultural menu and recipe development
  • Recipe development, including for IDDSI and shaped purees
  • Menu and Recipe Nutritional Analysis for non corporate/site-specific menus
  • Custom menu development

At Orange Lily Group, we are committed to helping you provide the best possible food service for your clients or patients. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that your menus are nutritionally sound, culturally diverse, and delicious. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your menu planning to the next level.

RD and FS Education Resources 

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Education Resources

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Contact Us

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Orange Lily Group Blog

News & Company Updates

Seedy Saturday 2024

Seedy Saturday 2024

Where: Hamilton Library, Central Branch, 4th floor - 55 York BLVD, Hamilton, ONDate: Saturday, Feb 3 Time: 10am to 3pm The...

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Project Holiday Wish 2023

At Orange Lily Group our vision is to create nourished, happy, and inspired communities in long-term care (LTC) homes. That is...

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